medicine, medicinal products
medicine, medicinal products
medicine, medicinal products
Benefits of DHQ have been shown in over 600 clinical trials in the last 50 years:
- free radical scavenging and protection from oxidative damage
- supports microcirculation flow and capillaries strength
- supports red blood cells safe and elasticity
- supports healthy LDL levels in the liver and serum
- supports healthy cholesterol levels
- diabetic safe
- supports healthy allergen and inflammation response
- supports the immune system
DHQ have many areas where it can be used efficiently.
- Food production
- Cosmetics
- Animal Feed
- Agriculture
Food production
- The use of Dihydroquercetin (Taxifolin) in food products is determined by its ability to reduce the oxidative reactions and to strength capillaries and by its pronounced P-vitamin activity. The utilization of these properties can be beneficial in two directions: а) as an antioxidant, Dihydroquercetin (Taxifolin) can reduce lipid peroxidation, with the consequent prolongation of food products’ shelf life; and b) because of its capillary-strengthening properties and P-vitamin activity, Dihydroquercetin (Taxifolin) can be used for functional products that are aimed at enhancing health.Dihydroquercetin (Taxifolin) is used for manufacturing of the dairy products, meat products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, confectionary, and products of functional nutrition.
- DHQ can be utilized in cosmetics, specifically to preserve raw material, oil and fat components, finished products; render therapeutic effects to products.
- Enhance protective functions of the skin against external and internal toxicity, radiation, germs, and other environmental factors; normalize general metabolic processes through topical application, those in lymphatic and blood system; renew skin and slowing skin aging.
- Reduce the use of chemical substances in cosmetic products.
Animal Feed
- Addition of DHQ to feed of poultry, piglets and calves act as an antioxidant for fats and oils contained in the feed, and affected a decrease of losses in production herd in poultry farming and animal husbandry; allowed decreasing the level of the use of hormonal and anti-bacterial drug products tending to accumulate in organisms of poultry and animals, which leads to negative effects on health of people consuming this meat.
- DHQ as a plant growth regulator considerable decreases of agricultural crops diseases in case of seeds treatment, increases productivity of cereal crops by 15-40%, vegetables — by 12-37%, fruits and berries — by 10-30%.
- At the same time the quality of the mentioned crops is scientifically increased, gluten content is increased in wheat, vegetables, greens and herbs; vegetables become more resistant to typical and un-typical diseases; fruits ripen with larger size; vitamin-mineral composition is richer; the application of herbicides is radically reduced, for the most vegetables and herbs almost zero application of herbicides, which is as well positive for human health.
- DHQ in fertilizers improves the nutritional and energy value in fertilizers, decreases the application dosage, supports and strengthens the roots of vegetables and herbs, better absorption of nitrogen, CO2 and the final yield.